It is a Red Sea Max Nano (20gallons) filled with Nutriseawater and with a 2cm layer of Aragonite Live (9kg)… and of course 9kg of live rocks
I implemented an AI nero 3 pump for better circulation (20% of the power)
I used the 3 weeks Red Sea StarterKit Reef mature integration but the week after the the end of the program my tank was a ULNS with undetectable nitrates and phosphates and I lost 2 Euphyllia and the tank was suffering a lot. I needed to chemichally implement P04 and N03. Luckly the rest of the corals recovered fast and are in good Health
P04 0.1 ppm
NO3 2,5 ppm
ph 8,1 (it drops a little during night as usual)
kh 9
sal 1.025
T 25,5 C
Ca 450 ppm
mg 1300
I have just few brown algae that I easily remove with a Turkey baster
4 turbain snail
2 cerithium
2 Lysmata abominensis
2 Ocellaris
1 Gobiodon Okinawae
@Reef_ITA_premium wow amazing tank ...full of colors congrats
Wow nice tank … you will see that in a few months the values settle ... and you are certainly already on the right path to obtain excellent results